
There are many different types of business mentoring, as mentoring can be used to accomplish a number of business objectives. There’s traditional business mentoring that focuses on skill development, mentoring to improve company culture or to support diversity, equality and inclusion efforts, and reverse mentoring that puts the more junior employee in the role of the mentor. One type of mentoring that has gained popularity over the past few decades is career mentoring.

Why Mentoring Important?


Career mentoring is a specific kind of business mentoring that focuses on helping the mentee navigate their career path and strategize to achieve their career goals. It is even more important today than it was in the past. In the age of the “organization man,” promotions were often based on seniority, and job changes were typically promotions. It was generally straightforward as to what one’s next career move would be: their bosses’ role.

As organizations have grown more complex, employees often need to take a more meandering path to top leadership positions instead of a straight line to the top. Lateral moves to different departments or divisions can broaden employees’ experience to prepare them for a larger role, for example. Being strategic about career moves is more important than ever, and that’s why executive mentoring has become so critical. 

A mentor can also help a mentee make specific decisions about their career. For example, a mentee might be faced with a decision on whether or not to accept a developmental role overseas. The mentor generally has a broader perspective of the organization and the industry as a whole, and can provide a different point of view for the mentee to consider. The mentor can also help the mentee think through implications of decisions, and potentially identify blind spots.

Education consultancy

OOBCON education consultants provide career advice to students by using their expertise for matching the student’s abilities, performance and yearnings with the best possible or suitable education options. We offer student-oriented consulting services focused on the process of admissions in some of the world’s leading universities in Malaysia and Canada.