We are providing our services in the psychological assessment. Our practice is designed to provide a caring atmosphere to treat all members of your family. Testing can distinguish the psychological contributions to behavior that may aid in diagnosis and treatment. Assessment reports are needed for many medical, legal or employment purposes. Procedure.

From panel of experts one of them will meet with you for an initial session in which he/she will gather all relevant history and current symptoms. The testing is then tailored to the referral question and results in a cost effective process. After testing is completed, a comprehensive report with recommendations will be provided and any questions or concerns will be addressed during the final session.

Aptitude Testing

When faced with concerns regarding performance in school, Psycho educational testing will be helpful. It can help students of all ages who are struggling academically to determine possible learning disabilities and assist them in receiving testing accommodations. It can also help to students and parents in the selection of better career.

We will include formal and informal assessment as well in our final report writing.

Services: This services are for Schools, educational institutes, Parents and individuals who are facing difficulty in the selection of career.

Employment Assessment

When faced with concerns regarding performance in school, Psycho educational testing will be helpful. It can help students of all ages who are struggling academically to determine possible learning disabilities and assist them in receiving testing accommodations. It can also help to students and parents in the selection of better career

When faced with concerns regarding performance in school, Psycho educational testing will be helpful. It can help students of all ages who are struggling academically to determine possible learning disabilities and assist them in receiving testing accommodations. It can also help to students and parents in the selection of better career.

Fitness for duty (FFD) is a term for a medical assessment done when an employer wishes to be sure an employee can safely do a specific job or task. The purpose is to determine if, medically or psychologically, the employee can perform the job or task under the intended working conditions. Return to Work (RTW) Evaluations: When questions arise from the proposed return to work (RTW) from injury situations, relying on the medical clearance alone that has been provided and trusting that a physician has released the employee to return to work physically and is therefore ready to resume employment may be in error.

High-risk occupations, such as policing, nursing or security work, have much less tolerance for emotional or behavioral dysfunction than other positions. In situations in which the employee’s very life, the lives of others, or the security of the general public depend on the worker being fully functional, an anxiety disorder or impulse control problem that would possibly cause some problems in an office job or trade, can effectively disable or disqualify the employee.

Then Psychological assessment will be helpful for both employer or employee!!

Neuropsychological Assessment

Neuropsychological provides information regarding:
  • A patients specific learning style and academic strengths and weaknesses, poor school performance, or academic decline
  • Behaviors such as inattention, poor organization, hyperactivity, low motivation, work struggles, impulsivity, or low frustration tolerance
  • Memory, reasoning, and problem-solving ability
  • Motor skills, sensory-perceptual functioning, and visual- perceptual functioning
  • IQ (as determined by various intelligence tests)
  • Academic achievement (as determined by achievements tests)
  • Attention, concentration, and impulsivity (as determined by computerized performance tests)
Neuropsychological Testing can often assist with the following:
  • Diagnosing Learning disabilities, such as Reading Disorder/Dyslexia, Disorder of Written Expression/Dysgraphia, Math Disorder/Dyscalculia and Auditory Processing Disorder
  • Diagnosing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and or other executive functioning deficits
  • Eligibility for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
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